Tattoo New York (6:44) was shot for the New York Historical Society with the FS7 in 4K. We used slow motion at 240 fps and stop motion for a beautiful tattoo time lapse. It was an honor to have this video playing on a 70 inch TV on the floor of the museum.
Take a trip down memory lane with our 2014 reel (5:43).
This is a video (:37) we shot with two Sony FX9s in the summer of 2021. We start off with a drone shot, followed by a wide set camera to show viewers the set up, then we dissolve to the talent, Nick, starting the video. We then cut to Nick on the second camera. We used an 85mm CP3 Zeiss lens for the main camera on a tripod, and the Sony zoom lens with face tracking focus on a slider for the second camera. We shot in S-Log3 and color corrected in Final Cut Pro X.
CAP AE Commercial (:30) was to help the Civil Air Patrol attract teachers to teach aerospace to its cadets. It is still being used today.
Century Air Video (5:44) is for a wonderful flight school in Caldwell, NJ. We used the crane in several shots as well as slow motion.